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New posts in internet-explorer-8

JS li tag onclick not working on IE8

Will Internet Explorer 8 solve many of the browser incompatibility issues?

Overflow: hidden bug in IE8

IE8 not allowing jQuery to give focus to textbox

Mysterious number appears above Drupal-generated HTML when visiting page for first time

Jquery ZeroClipboard or Zclip nothing in clipboard IE 8 and 7

Google Font (with a space on it) not rendering on IE7/IE8

"%" not recognized by IE

Accept attribute in file input for IE8

jQuery - IE ONLY css

Why do my HTML form elements move around when clicking on them in IE8?

Hover doesn't go away when you mouse out in <= IE 8

Unselect textbox on blur with jQuery in IE8

Internet Explorer 8 - this website has been reported as unsafe

Box Shadow in CSS internet Explorer 8 problem

jQuery + IE8 = Object doesn't support this property or method. How to fix this?

How can I get css pseudo element :checked to work in IE7 + IE8?

IE8 getJSON cached data

IE8 bug in for-in JavaScript statement?