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operator modulo change in c++ 11? [duplicate]

enum vs static consts

c++ enums c++03

how to get enum value from enum type?

c++ enums c++03

Is value initialization part of the C++98 standard? If not, why was it added in the C++03 standard?

Overloading operator ->* in C++

How to simplify complicated SFINAE syntax, in pre-C++11, C++11, 14 and 17?

c++ templates sfinae c++03 c++17

Check if (primitive) types are castable in C++

c++ casting c++03

Type safe enum bit flags

Thread safety of C++ std Containers

c++ multithreading std c++03

What is the best way to implement smart pointers in C++?

Closest integer to floating-point value in C++03

Macro expansion with unary minus

c++ c-preprocessor c++03

How to get the value type from an output iterator?

c++ stl iterator c++03

Are members of a POD-struct or standard layout type guaranteed to be aligned according to their alignment requirements?

Thread-safe static variables without mutexing?

Vector of structs with const members?

c++ constants c++03

Is `*--p` actually legal(well formed) in C++03

Why does GCC 6.3 compile this Braced-Init-List code without explicit C++11 support?

How can I open a file for reading & writing, creating it if it does not exist, without truncating it?

c++ iostream fstream c++03

Understanding C++03 Standard Grammar for Operator Overloading

c++ language-lawyer c++03