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New posts in c++03

How to define a custom cross-platform size_t type?

c++ c++11 c++03 size-t size-type

C++, is set_terminate local to every thread?

Template specialization for multiple types

c++ templates c++03

Passing std:array around

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Are conditional expressions in C++ always of bool type?

What restrictions does ISO C++03 place on structs defined at function scope?

c++ c++03

"Constant expressions" prior to C++11

Are static class members guaranteed to be initialized before `main` is called?

c++ language-lawyer c++03

Getting the type of a member

Will "&a+1 > &a" cause an undefined behaviour

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How can I deploy a C++11 program (with dependencies) on CentOS 6, whose GCC is C++03?

Does std::vector::resize() ever reallocate when new size is smaller than current size? [duplicate]

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What's the difference in undefined behavior between C++03 and C++11?

Why do inline functions have external linkage by default?

c++ c++11 inline linkage c++03

How to break shared_ptr cyclic reference using weak_ptr

c++ smart-pointers c++03

Difference in c_str function specification between C++03 and C++11

c++ string c++11 c++03 c-str

How to write `is_complete` template?

c++ templates typetraits c++03

Do these members have unspecified ordering?

c++ c++11 c++03

Why doesn't PRIu64 work in this code?

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Why did C++11 make std::string::data() add a null terminating character?

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