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New posts in constant-expression

What do the words "undefined" mean in bullet point §5.19/2.3 in N4140?

what is the meaning of the phrase "preceding initialization" in section [expr.const]

Is reading one-past-the-end pointer allowed in a constant expression when short-circuit disable its evaluation

Will the Java compiler precalculate sums of literals?

Inconsistent evaluation for `constexpr` lambdas in templates between `static_assert`, `if constexpr(...)` and `constexpr` variables

In-class static member initialization

Is const_cast valid in a constant expression? (C++14, C++17)

Parameterized tests in f# - This is not a valid constant expression

What is a core constant expression in the C++11 Standard?

Why can't a static initialization expression in C use an element of a constant array?

Why can't I turn this string into a Literal?

f# constant-expression

Java SE 11 String Final Variable with Ternary Operator Does Not Count as a Constant Variable in Switch Case Expression

Templated delegating copy constructor in constant expressions

constexpr difference between gcc v10 and v9: bug or feature

Can "const fn" in rust concatenate byte slices?

Initializer with constant expression having possible overflow in C99

How can I check that an expression is constant in C? [duplicate]

c#: what is a constant expression?