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New posts in c++03

Are there any cases where it is incorrect to replace push_back with emplace_back?

c++ c++11 vector c++03

How do I retrieve the type of the base class in C++?

Looking for a composite traits pattern for boost's transform iterators

c++ boost traits c++03

RVO overwriting value in parameter before return

c++ language-lawyer c++03

"Backporting" nullptr to C++-pre-C++0x programs

Is this a singular iterator and, if so, can I compare it to another one?

c++ iterator std c++03

assigning char to int reference and const int reference in C++

How does deque have an amortized constant Time Complexity

c++ deque c++03

How to compile Boost with an older std of C++? (C++03 in particular)

c++ c++11 gcc boost c++03

Determining if ::std::numeric_limits<T> is safe to instantiate

c++ templates c++11 c++03

How to specialize classes for all reference types C++03

POD structs containing constant member

How to implement the CRTP following MISRA C++

c++ c++03 crtp static-cast misra

Why isn't mySet.erase(it++) undefined behavior, or is it?

How to move elements out of STL priority queue

c++ c++11 move-semantics c++03

Direct-initializing an object inside a condition

C++98/03 std::is_constructible implementation

C++03 library with C++11 source code

c++ c++11 clang c++03

Template method specialization linking error

c++ templates c++03

How to define nullptr for supporting both C++03 and C++11? [duplicate]

c++ c++11 c++03 nullptr