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javax.swing.grouplayout not exist in jdk 1.5

swing netbeans java-5 backport

Python 2.6 to 2.5 cheat sheet

with statement - backport for Python 2.5

Is there a Rails 4 backports library?

Can I use the secrets module with a version of Python earlier than 3.6?

Is there a python 2 backport for the concurrency.futures package from python 3

Backport Java 5/6 features to Java 1.4?

java java1.4 backport

Python enum34 access by name

Easy way to backport Java 6 code to Java 5?

java backport

"Backporting" nullptr to C++-pre-C++0x programs

Backport Python 3.4's regular expression "fullmatch()" to Python 2

debugInfoEnabled for Angular 1.2

Using `@unittest.skipIf` with older versions of Python

String formatting without index in python2.6

How can I use BitmapRegionDecoder code in android 2.2.2 (Froyo)?

python 2.7 functools_lru_cache does not import although installed

python matplotlib backport

Has anybody yet backported Lambda Expressions to Java 7?

How do I return to an older version of our code in Subversion?

svn backport