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New posts in backwards-compatibility

JDK compliance - a false safety?

Android backward compatibility but still utilise latest API features

WPF icon specifications to support Windows 7 and being backward compatible

Mac OS X App backwards compatibility 10.6 and 10.7 while using NSPopovers

Python convention for specifying compatible interpreter versions?

ARMv8 backward compatibility with ARMv7 (Snapdragon 820 vs Cortex-A15)

Pitfalls when writing an iOS app supporting iOS 3.1.3 and iOS 4.x

When the C++ standard provides C headers bringing names into the global namespace, does that include overloads?

What will make backward compatibility impossible?

How can I check since which Matlab version a function exists?

OpenGL Shading Language backwards compatibility

Custom Unwind Segue for iOS 8 and iOS 9

WCF Service Backwards Compatibility Check

Why do some frameworks refuse to drop support for ancient Java versions?

Integrating Newsstand without breaking backwards compatibility

What is D3js version support policy?

Can an API in SOAP/WSDL be kept backwards compatible easily?

How can I avoid deprecated methods and maintain backwards compatibility? [duplicate]

Jackson 2.0 compatibility with Jackson 1.x annotations?