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Is there a way to set a preprocessor variable to the value of a property?

wix xsd wix3

Create Java classes with JaxB

java xsd jaxb

How can I format timestamps with embedded `T` character?

How not to display stack-trace in nUnit 2.6.4 xml results?

c# xml xsd nunit

AutoMapper and is*Specified properties

c# xsd automapper xsd.exe

C++ tool to generate random XML files from XML Schema?

c++ xml xsd

Converting XSD file to UML Model

xsd uml

Service reference not loading: Schema with target namespace could not be found

c# web-services soap xsd wsdl

XML editor with intellisense/autocomplete based on XML Schema

What causes SAXException2: Instance of “com.foo.Bar” is substituting “java.lang.Object”, but “com.foo.Bar” is bound to an anonymous type [duplicate]

is it possible to use xs:union for complexTypes?

xml xsd union

Unable to generate classes from JAXB in Maven environment

java maven xsd jaxb

JAXB default attribute value

java xml xsd jaxb

XML format specification (DTD, XSD..) for Unit Test Reports

xml unit-testing xsd report dtd

Unique constraint on a complexType instead of an element


Is it possible to generate a C++ class from a xsd using Qt (without the XSD tool)?

c++ xml qt xsd code-generation

XSD Gen Classes That Reference a Common Type

c# xsd code-generation xsd.exe

XSD: default integer value range

xml xsd xml-validation

XML-Schema : maxOccurs , minOccurs

xml xsd