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Create Java classes with JaxB





I tried to create Java classes with JaXB from this XSD http://pda.rosreestr.ru/upload/www/files/02_V04_STD_Region_Cadastr_KV.rar but got these errors.

parsing a schema...
[WARNING] Simple type "dAllDocuments" was not mapped to Enum due to EnumMemberSizeCap limit. Facets count: 298, current limit: 256. You can use customization attribute "typesafeEnumMaxMembers" to extend the limit.
line 3 of file:/D:/liferay-develop/workspace/JABX_test/src/02_V04_STD_Region_Cadastr_KV/dAllDocuments.xsd

compiling a schema...
[ERROR] Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.
line 1645 of file:/D:/liferay-develop/workspace/JABX_test/src/02_V04_STD_Region_Cadastr_KV/STD_Region_Cadastr_KV.xsd

[ERROR] (Related to above error) This is the other declaration.   
line 1587 of file:/D:/liferay-develop/workspace/JABX_test/src/02_V04_STD_Region_Cadastr_KV/STD_Region_Cadastr_KV.xsd

Failed to produce code.

When I work with another schemas everything is fine. I am not good in work with XML, can you tell me what these errors mean and how to solve it?


I tried to use binding.xml in class generation but got this error.

C:\Documents and Settings\kliver\Мои документыагрузки\jaxb-ri-2.2.6\bin>xjc -d
out -b binding.xml D:/liferay-develop/workspace/JABX_test/src/02_V04_STD_Region
parsing a schema...
[ERROR] "D:/liferay-develop/workspace/JABX_test/src/02_V04_STD_Region_Cadastr_KV
/STD_Region_Cadastr_KV.xsd" is not a part of this compilation. Is this a mistake
 for "file:/D:/liferay-develop/workspace/JABX_test/src/02_V04_STD_Region_Cadastr
 line 6 of file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/kliver/%D0%9C%D0%BE%D0%B8%20%D0%

[WARNING] Simple type "dAllDocuments" was not mapped to Enum due to EnumMemberSi
zeCap limit. Facets count: 298, current limit: 256. You can use customization at
tribute "typesafeEnumMaxMembers" to extend the limit.
 line 3 of file:/D:/liferay-develop/workspace/JABX_test/src/02_V04_STD_Region_C

Failed to parse a schema.


I try this binding:


    <!-- Raise theEnumMemberSizeCap limit -->
    <jxb:bindings >
       <jxb:globalBindings typesafeEnumMaxMembers="2000"/>

   <jxb:bindings schemaLocation="D:\liferay-develop\workspace\JABX_test\src\02_V04_STD_Region_Cadastr_KV\STD_Region_Cadastr_KV.xsd">
       <jxb:bindings node="//xs:complexType[@name='tRight_Owner']">
           <jxb:class name="tRight_Owner2"/>


And this console command:

C:\Documents and Settings\kliver\Мои документыагрузки\jaxb-ri-2.2.6\bin>xjc -d
out -b binding.xml D:\liferay-develop\workspace\JABX_test\src\02_V04_STD_Region
like image 585
Kliver Max Avatar asked Oct 08 '12 09:10

Kliver Max

2 Answers

For those of you coming across this question in later years this method worked for me.

Environment: Netbeans 7.4

Build method: Maven - jaxb2-maven-plugin

  1. Create a folder called xjb in src\main.
  2. In that folder create a file called binding.xjb (or any other .xjb name).

In it:


   <!-- Raise theEnumMemberSizeCap limit -->
   <jxb:bindings >
       <jxb:globalBindings typesafeEnumMaxMembers="2000"/>


Note that this is not an alternative solution to Blaise's post.

like image 54
OldCurmudgeon Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 22:10


I'm using version 0.13.0 of the maven-jaxb2-plugin, and I found the correct path to the binding file is:


The content is the same as OldCurmudgeon proposed, namely:

<jxb:bindings xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    xmlns:jxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" version="2.1">

    <!-- Raise theEnumMemberSizeCap limit -->
        <jxb:globalBindings typesafeEnumMaxMembers="2000" />

like image 32
Michael Böckling Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10

Michael Böckling