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Java - compareTo and operators

If I have a class Person that implements Comparable (compares personA.height to personB.height, for example), is it possible to use

    personA < personB

as a substitute for

    personA.compareTo(personB) == -1? 

Are there any issues in doing this or do I need to overload operators?

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Chet Avatar asked Jan 20 '12 18:01


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2 Answers

No, it isn't possible to use personA < personB as a substitute. And you can't overload operators in Java.

Also, I'd recommend changing

personA.compareTo(personB) == -1


personA.compareTo(personB) < 0

What you have now probably works for your class. However, the contract on compareTo() is that it returns a negative value when personA is less than personB. That negative value doesn't have to be -1, and your code might break if used with a different class. It could also break if someone were to change your class's compareTo() method to a different -- but still compliant -- implementation.

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NPE Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10


It is not posible, java does not give you operator overload.
But a more OO option is to add a method inside person

public boolean isTallerThan(Person anotherPerson){
    return this.compareTo(anotherPerson) > 0;

so instead of writing

if(personA.compareTo(personB) > 0){


you can write



IMHO it is more readable because it hides details and it is expressed in domain language rather than java specifics.

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Pablo Grisafi Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Pablo Grisafi