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New posts in xsd

JaxB adds undescore(_) when generating Enumerations from XSD

Hosting W3 XML Schema files locally

In XSD how do I allow only whitespace in an element's content?

Why is my XML validation failing against its schema?

c# xml validation xsd

Should I unit test XML schema?

unit-testing tdd xsd

Error when generating a class from xsd schema file

c# xsd

What does xmlns="" exactly mean

xml xsd namespaces

XSD schema: How to specify the number of digits in a value?

xml xsd xsd-validation

Unmarshaller and schema in JAXB

java xsd jaxb

Who is using XML Schema 1.1 version? Which parser versions support it? etc

soap xsd wsdl jaxb xmlbeans

How to define a Constant in XSD

xsd constants

is there a way in java to create xsd schema?

java xml xsd

How can I define a self closing XML element in an XML Schema

xml xsd

How do you share WCF WSDL and XSD's to a client without access to the service (yet)?

c# wcf xsd wsdl

JAXB schema to Java Different XmlRootElement name and Class name

Jaxb creating boolean method accessor names with "get" instead of "is" prefix

java xml maven jaxb xsd

How to use extension to insert before an xsd:sequence?

xml xsd

JAXB marshalling to XML - Is there a way to handle it when Schema validation fails?

java xml xsd jaxb marshalling

Tomcat complaining about spring-security-3.1.xsd not matching Spring Security 3.2, but not referencing 3.1 anywhere

xsd:dateTime to Java OffsetDateTime

xml datetime xsd jaxb java-8