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New posts in xsd

Error using XJC with xml.xsd import: "Failed to read schema document 'xml.xsd'"

java xml xsd jaxb

XML Schema totalDigits/fractionDigits vs. SQL precision/scale

sql xml xsd ddl

.Net SvcUtil: attributes must be optional

JAXB xsd:include and separate packages

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Calling template from inside <xsl:for-each>

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Create and link XSD to a WADL

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Where to place version information in a wsdl?

How to make xsd element extend another

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XSD Sequence of Choice

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XML Validation in Java: processContents="lax" seems not to work correctly

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jaxb doesn't generate enums with base integer

java maven xsd jaxb

Ref attribute or Type attribute in XSD

xml xsd xml-serialization

XML Schema validation for POST requests with ASP.NET WebAPI

Making an attribute required only if another attribute is set


XML Schema type alias?

xml xsd w3c

Element in Wadl representation

rest xsd cxf jax-rs wadl

Python datetime to XML Schema timestamp format

python xml xsd

Make an xsd element mandatory

xml xsd

Tool that can combine many XSD files into one?

Polymorphism in XSD schema and JAXB classes

xsd jaxb