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New posts in xcodebuild

Xcode 10: unable to attach DB error

ios xcodebuild xcode10

The project named "Foo does not contain a scheme named "Bar" bitrise.io

ios xcode xcodebuild bitrise

No architectures to compile for (ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES, active arch=x86_64, VALID_ARCHS=armv7 armv7s)

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Can an Xcode .mobileprovision file be 'installed' from the command line?

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Xcode : Adding a project as a build dependency

Choose a destination with a supported architecture in order to run on this device [closed]

Continuous Integration for Xcode projects?

How to filter the xcodebuild command line output?

Running xcodebuild from a forked terminal

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Which version of Xcode does xcodebuild use?

git error "unable to locate xcodebuild" after a fresh OS X Mavericks upgrade

xcodebuild: simulator or device?

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Use xcodebuild (Xcode 8) and automatic signing in CI (Travis/Jenkins) environments

Is the project.xcworkspace file important?

How can I use the legacy build system with Xcode 10's `xcodebuild`?

How can I resolve "Error: No developer directory found at /Developer"?

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How do I determine which iOS SDK I have?

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How do I run a terminal command in a Swift script? (e.g. xcodebuild)

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xcodebuild says does not contain scheme

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"Too many symbol files" after successfully submitting my apps