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New posts in build-dependencies

How to tell Grails to use Gradle for dependencies resolution

Avoiding build dependency on QuickCheck when declaring an Arbitrary instance

python: alter setup.py to search local file system directory for required dependencies

How to acquire expat.h for the compilation of git?

How to test a Makefile for missing dependencies?

Using --whole-archive in CMake on a library you build

Automatically added ConstraintLayout dependency in gradle

CMake: add dependency to add_custom_command dynamically

How can I let CMake check whether my headers are self-sufficient?

Can I nest subrepos in Mercurial?

How to install a Debian package's Build-Depends and Depends

Limit displayed depth of gradle dependencies task

Xcode how to add an external project

How to create own gradle dependency library in Android Studio?

Using Gradle with native dependencies

CMake rejects a second target_link_libraries talking about "keyword" vs "plain" [duplicate]

cmake build-dependencies

Get list of dependencies runtime

Xcode 4: How to Add Static Library Target Dependency to Project

xcode4 build-dependencies

Add all files under a folder to a CMake glob?