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New posts in mercurial-subrepos

Can a Mercurial subrepostiory reside in a subfolder?

Mercurial "vendor branches" from external repositories?

Using a specific (git) branch in a mercurial subrepository

Mercurial subrepo and relative path

Using subrepositories with bitbucket and ToritoiseHg

Mercurial (hg) update error, abort: No such file or directory

Using subrepositories with bitbucket

Recursively tag all Sub-Repositories using Mercurial

Best way to migrate mercurial repo with subrepositories to git, preserving history?

Managing a complex repository structure - module dependencies and shared code [closed]

Updating to old Mercurial revisions with subrepos that have moved

Can I nest subrepos in Mercurial?

How to make Mercurial subrepository to always point to a certain changeset or tag?

How to fix Mercurial stuck on Git subrepo push?

Can one Mercurial repository live inside another Mercurial repository?

How to fix a Mercurial repo that fails updating because points to missing revision in subrepo?

How to deal with Git submodules on a repo that is converted to Mercurial

hg to git conversion and subrepo merge

Any way to pull/update all subrepos?