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New posts in xcodebuild

Provide xcodebuild with .mobileprovision file

How do I force Xcode to rebuild the Info.plist file in my project every time I build the project?

xcode xcodebuild

XCode bundle identifier formatting from {PRODUCT_NAME}

How to detect that a provisioning profile is for development or distribution, programmatically

xcodebuild different provisioning profile for target dependency

ios xcode xcodebuild

How to solve "Application failed codesign verification" when uploading to iTunes Connect?

Code sign error with Xcode 3.2

How to run / install xcodebuild?

When I "Build for archive" in Xcode 4, where does the file go?

xcode ios xcodebuild

How can I build a specific architecture using xcodebuild?

Xcode 4.5 command line unit testing

Xcode 4 build succeeds, command line build fails?

ios xcode xcode4 xcodebuild

Timeout when running xcodebuild tests under Xcode 6 via SSH

iOS builds / ipa creation no longer works from the command line

ios xcode xcodebuild

How to display compiler output or custom build steps output when building with xcode?

xcode xcode4 xcodebuild

Xcodebuild'ing a workspace and setting a custom build path

workspace xcodebuild

Building with xcodebuild Timed out waiting for <IDEWorkspace, 0x2004cebc0>/"runContextManager.runContexts"

xcodebuild -exportArchive: exportOptionsPlist error for key 'method': expected one of {}

ios xcode ios9 xcode7 xcodebuild

Setting a provisioning profile from within xcodebuild when making iPhone apps

Xcode 4: Run tests from the command line (xcodebuild)?