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How to solve "Application failed codesign verification" when uploading to iTunes Connect?

I've got a problem that I couldn't solve with a deep search in different resources as most of the "similar" points out to be an error with Icon.png size, etc...

I've tried to upload my application after verifying that:

  • Correctly builds and run on my device
  • That my certificates are installed properly
  • That my certs / profiles are not expired.
  • That the Icon.png has the proper size and format of 57x57 PNG.
  • And several other things.
  • Ran codesign --verify -vvvv MyApp.app which worked fine.
  • My ZIP File was properly done

When I've tried to upload through the iTunes connect interface I got the simple error above, and that's why I tried with ApplicationLoader, to try and find out what's causing the error looking at the console.

The console showed the following:

16/02/10 13:25:52   ApplicationLoader[549]  *** Codesign error (please ignore invalid option comments): got requirements(0x800000, 534) Executable=/var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/MyApp.zip/MyApp.app/MyApp Identifier=com.realtimed.MyApp Format=bundle with Mach-O thin (armv6) CodeDirectory v=20100 size=829 flags=0x0(none) hashes=33+5 location=embedded Signature size=4333 Authority=iPhone Developer: My Name (XXXXXXXXX) Authority=Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority Authority=Apple Root CA Signed Time=16/02/2010 13:22:24 Info.plist entries=17 Sealed Resources rules=3 files=28 Internal requirements count=1 size=144  Executable=/var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/MyApp.zip/MyApp.app/MyApp got entitlements(0x800400, 317) codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: using Apple CA for profile evaluation codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: Caling codesign with the following args: codesign_wrapper-0.7.3:    /usr/bin/codesign codesign_wrapper-0.7.3:    --verify codesign_wrapper-0.7.3:    -vvvv codesign_wrapper-0.7.3:    -R=anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists codesign_wrapper-0.7.3:    --entitlements codesign_wrapper-0.7.3:    /var/tmp/signingbox/codesign_wrapper_entitlements.plist codesign_wrapper-0.7.3:    /var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/MyApp.zip/MyApp.app **/var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/MyApp.zip/MyApp.app: valid on disk /var/folders/WZ/WZu24JnOGNe9L79GWq0IlU+++TI/-Tmp-/MyApp.zip/MyApp.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement test-requirement: failed to satisfy code requirement(s) codesign_wrapper-0.7.3: failed to execute codesign(1)** 

Any help / feedback or ideas on how to solve the situation would be highly appreciated.

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Cy. Avatar asked Feb 16 '10 12:02


2 Answers

I found the solution to this problem after deeply looking at the log file.

Although I created my own Distribution Profile and assigned to the CODE SIGNING IDENTITY the correct value for the developer certificate, it didn't work giving me an error: "Application failed codesign verification".

The problem is at the following line:

Authority=iPhone Developer: My Name (XXXXXXXXX)

Despite the correct selection in the project settings for the Distribution profile, XCode was compiling it with the developer certificate.

I finally solved it: Right click on the "Targets" -> Get info -> and there it was selected (don't ask me why) the wrong distribution certificate instead of the right one.

I corrected that and it finally was accepted.

Related links (you need a developer account): https://devforums.apple.com/message/147964

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Cy. Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09


Excellent post. I too was having this trouble and after much headache realized that both the Project AND the Target should be checked for using the correct Code Signing Identity. Somehow Xcode was reverting back to the Developer Provisioning Profile instead of the Distribution Provisioning Profile. It even did so on a build right after I had deliberately selected the correct one!

I. To be safe, first do the following:

  1. Clean all builds.
  2. Delete contents of build folder in finder.
  3. Delete existing code signing identities from the project and target settings.
  4. Restart Xcode.

II. Then check the Project for the correct Provisioning Profile:

  1. Go to Project Settings > Build Tab > Code Signing Identity
  2. Select the appropriate Distribution Provisioning Profile

III. Now check the Target:

  1. Target > Get Info > Build Tab > Code Signing Identity
  2. Select the appropriate Distribution Provisioning Profile

IV. Cross fingers and hope you never see that blasted little yellow triangle again.

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Old McStopher Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 00:09

Old McStopher