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New posts in x86

Why does TZCNT work for my Sandy Bridge processor?

assembly x86 x86-64

Meaning of suffix "x" in intrinsics like "_mm256_set1_epi64x"

Confused about data alignment for double variables

assembly x86

Can we measure successful store-forwarding with Intel's performance counters?

performance x86 intel-pmu

Do denormal flags like Denormals-Are-Zero (DAZ) affect comparisons for equality?

Why are the user-mode L1 store miss events only counted when there is a store initialization loop?

How to get the gcc compiler to not optimize a standard library function call like printf?

Why do I get triple fault when trying to handle an exception on 286 but not on a modern CPU nor Bochs?

Solution needed for building a static IDT and GDT at assemble/compile/link time

assembly x86 nasm ld osdev

How are BIOS interrupts deconflicted with reserved hardware interrupts?

Why does GCC emit a repeated `ret`?

c++ gcc x86 clang

How to optimise this 8-bit positional popcount using assembly?

go assembly x86 simd avx

How does an instruction decoder tell the difference between a prefix and a primary opcode?

Why can't we declare uninitialized variables in .bss section using `?` in arbitrary order?

assembly x86 nasm

Are there any advantages to compiling an assembly as x64?

.net x86 64-bit compilation

Question about ADD on ASM 8086

assembly x86 add

i386 assembly question: why do I need to meddle with the stack pointer?

assembly x86 gnu-assembler

Determining program runtimes on core i5/7 architecture

c++ windows performance x86

In Linux, on entry of a sys call, what is the value in %eax? (not orig_eax)

linux x86 system-calls

Visual Studio 2012 native C++ DLL x86 compilation