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New posts in win64

Heat.exe Cannot Harvest TypeLib Info from a 64-bit COM DLL

com wix win64

In the Win64 ABI, can the reserved argument stack space be used for general purpose storage?

Using ImageList from VB6 application causes crash on Windows 7.0 64-bit

Porting Delphi code to 64 bit - Why no compiler warnings?

AsyncPro and 64bit

delphi win64

How to use "GS:" in 64-bit Windows Assembly (eg, porting TLS code)

winapi assembly x86-64 win64

64bit vc++ program seems to run under 32bit mode

c++ win64

Write large file

c++ file-io win64

Unresolved external symbols in compiling 32 bit application in Windows 64

TRTTIContext multi-thread issue

How do I resolve "%1 is not a valid Win32 application"?

PyPy on Windows 7 x64?

python win64 pypy

64-bit Windows API: what is the size of a C/C++ "DWORD"?

How do you compile OpenSSL for x64?

c++ c windows 64-bit win64

Is reserving stack space necessary for functions less than four arguments?

psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user windows 8

Why 2 GB memory limit when running in 64 bit Windows?

delphi delphi-2007 win64

How do I install Python 2.7.3 32 bit and 64 bit on Windows side by side

python win64

Memory leak in the Win64 Delphi RTL during thread shutdown?