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How to use "GS:" in 64-bit Windows Assembly (eg, porting TLS code)

How can an user-space program configure "GS:" under 64-bit Windows (currently XP-64)?
(By configure, set GS:0 at an arbitrary 64-bit linear address).

I am trying to port a "JIT" environment to X86-64 that was originally developed for Win32.

One unfortunate design aspect is that identical code needs to run on multiple user-space threads (eg, "fibers"). The Win32 version of the code uses the GS selector for this, and generates the proper prefix to access the local data - "mov eax,GS:[offset]" points to the correct data for the current task. The code from the Win32 version would load a value into GS, if only it had a value that would work.

So far I've been able to find that 64-bit windows doesn't support the LDT, so the method used under Win32 won't work. However, the X86-64 instruction set includes "SWAPGS", as well as a method to load GS without using the legacy segmentation - but that only works in kernel space.

According to X64 manuals, even if Win64 allowed access to descriptors -- which it doesn't -- there's no way to set the high 32-bits of the segment base. The only way to set these is through GS_BASE_MSR (and corresponding FS_BASE_MSR - the other segment bases are ignored in 64-bit mode). The WRMSR instruction is Ring0, so I can't use it directly.

I am hoping for a Zw* function that allows me to change "GS:" in user space, or some other dark corner of the Windows API. I believe Windows still uses FS: for its own TLS, so some mechanism must be available?

This sample code illustrates the problem. I apologize in advance for using byte code - VS won't do inline assembly for the 64-bit compile, and I was trying to keep this as one file for illustrative purposes.

The program displays "PASS" on XP-32, and doesn't on XP-x64.

#include <windows.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

unsigned char GetDS32[] = 
            {0x8C,0xD8,     // mov eax, ds
             0xC3};         // ret

unsigned char SetGS32[] =
            {0x8E,0x6C,0x24,0x04,   // mov gs, ss:[sp+4] 
             0xC3 };                // ret

unsigned char UseGS32[] = 
           { 0x8B,0x44,0x24,0x04,   // mov eax, ss:[sp+4] 
             0x65,0x8B,0x00,        // mov eax, gs:[eax] 
             0xc3 };                // ret

unsigned char SetGS64[] =
            {0x8E,0xe9,             // mov gs, rcx
             0xC3 };                // ret

unsigned char UseGS64[] =       
           { 0x65,0x8B,0x01,         // mov eax, gs:[rcx]
             0xc3 };

typedef WORD(*fcnGetDS)(void);
typedef void(*fcnSetGS)(WORD);
typedef DWORD(*fcnUseGS)(LPVOID);

int main( void )
    fcnGetDS GetDS = (fcnGetDS)((LPBYTE)p+16);
    fcnUseGS UseGS = (fcnUseGS)((LPBYTE)p+32);
    fcnSetGS SetGS = (fcnSetGS)((LPBYTE)p+48);
    *(DWORD *)p = 0x12345678;

    if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) 
        memcpy( GetDS, &GetDS32, sizeof(GetDS32));
        memcpy( UseGS, &UseGS64, sizeof(UseGS64));
        memcpy( SetGS, &SetGS64, sizeof(SetGS64));
        memcpy( GetDS, &GetDS32, sizeof(GetDS32));
        memcpy( UseGS, &UseGS32, sizeof(UseGS32));
        memcpy( SetGS, &SetGS32, sizeof(SetGS32));

    if (UseGS(p) != 0x12345678) exit(-1);

    if (si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) 
        // The gist of the question - What is the 64-bit equivalent of the following code
        DWORD base = (DWORD)p;
        LDT_ENTRY ll;
        int ret;
        *(FARPROC*)(&NtSetLdtEntries) = GetProcAddress(LoadLibrary("ntdll.dll"), "NtSetLdtEntries");
        ll.BaseLow = base & 0xFFFF;
        ll.HighWord.Bytes.BaseMid = base >> 16;
        ll.HighWord.Bytes.BaseHi = base >> 24;
        ll.LimitLow = 400;     
        ll.HighWord.Bits.LimitHi = 0;
        ll.HighWord.Bits.Granularity = 0;
        ll.HighWord.Bits.Default_Big = 1; 
        ll.HighWord.Bits.Reserved_0 = 0;
        ll.HighWord.Bits.Sys = 0; 
        ll.HighWord.Bits.Pres = 1;
        ll.HighWord.Bits.Dpl = 3; 
        ll.HighWord.Bits.Type = 0x13; 
        ret = NtSetLdtEntries(0x80, *(DWORD*)&ll, *((DWORD*)(&ll)+1),0,0,0);
        if (ret < 0) { exit(-1);}
    if (UseGS(0) != 0x12345678) exit(-1);
like image 268
caffiend Avatar asked Jul 25 '09 00:07


2 Answers

You can modify the thread context via the SetThreadcontext API directly. However, you need to make sure that the thread is not running while the context is changed. Either suspend it and modify the context from another thread, or trigger a fake SEH exception and modify the thread context in the SEH handler. The OS will then change the thread context for you and re-schedule the thread.


Sample code for the second approach:

    __asm int 3 // trigger fake exception
__except(filter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()))

int filter(unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep)
    ep->ContextRecord->SegGs = 23;

The instruction in the try block basically raises a software exception. The OS then transfers control to the filter procedure which modifies the thread context, effectively telling the OS to skip the int3 instruction and to continue execution.
It's kind of a hack, but its all documented functionality :)

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newgre Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10


Why do you need to set the GS register? Windows sets if for you, to point to TLS space.

While I haven't coded for X64, I have built a compiler that generates X32 bit code that manages threads, using FS. Under X64, GS replaces FS and everything else pretty works the same. So, GS points to the thread local store. If you allocated a block of thread local variables (on Win32, we allocate 32 of 64 at offset 0), your thread now has direct access to 32 storage locations to whatever it wishes to do with. You don't need to allocate working thread-specific space; Windows has done it for you.

Of course, you might want to copy what you consider your specific thread data into this space you've set aside, in whatever scheduler you've set up to run your language specific threads.

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Ira Baxter Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Ira Baxter