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New posts in win-universal-app

UWP App: Process Memory Usage vs Heap Usage

Display data in a table in Universal App

A ton of conflicts on simple UWP project

nuget win-universal-app dnx

OData Expand fails on Client Win8.1 universal app

c# odata win-universal-app

How to use C++ class in Windows 10 C# universal app? [closed]

Error submission app update: packages Windows 8.1 (desktop and Phone bundle) + Windows 8.0

Parameters aren’t passed to unmanaged DLL on x86 when building with .NET Native

EF7 (Code First) + SQLite doesn't create a database and the tables for the models

Is it possible to create a portable UWP app (=no installation needed)

How to programatically close ContentDialog in Windows 10 UWP?

From code: Change ScrollViewer's scrollbars'-style to touch

Send eMail in Windows Universal App

Can't get WinAppDeployCmd for Appx deployment to work

How to split text with HTML tags to array

How to choose what technology for a greenfield Windows UWP app? [closed]

"en" vs "en-US" as default language for Windows 10 UWP (distributed worldwide)

how can i use the file that is generated by xsd.exe in windows 10 universal app

Cannot start simulator for Windows 8 Universal App on Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015

Windows UWP connect to BLE device after discovery

Windows 10 Universal App File/Directory Access

c# wpf win-universal-app