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New posts in wcf-binding

WCF in binary legacy environment

WCF architecture help needed

The maximum nametable character count quota (16384) has been exceeded

MaxReceivedMessageSize error in WCF

Issue related to WCF <readerQuotas> maxDepth

wcf wcf-binding

How to host net named pipe binding enabled wcf application in iis?

WCF service fails to start when more than one service is available

WCF NetTCPBinding vs HttpBinding difference in data sent on wire

How to host WCF through TCP ports?

tcp wcf wcf-binding net.tcp

wsHttpBinding changes to basicHttpBinding in client app.config

Can't get net.pipe binding working in IIS7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2

.net wcf wcf-binding net.pipe

How to set customBinding to Transport Only Security?

wcf wcf-binding

WPF binding to Grid.ColumnSpan

wpf grid wcf-binding

Does setting Security Mode = Transport automatically make it secure in a HTTPS web service?

Logic first, WCF security later?

c# xml wcf security wcf-binding

wcf exposing generics

wcf generics wcf-binding

Is NetNamedPipeBinding binding guaranteed to work only on the same machine?

change json object wrapper name returned from wcf service method

c# asp.net json wcf wcf-binding

cannot be processed at the receiver, due to an AddressFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher

Transfer large amount of data in WCF service