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New posts in named-pipes

Creating named pipes in Java

java linux named-pipes

How to capture output of execvp

unix named-pipes

Not able to read from named pipe in Java

java named-pipes

GetOverlappedResultEx could not be located in kernel32.dll

It really looks like OS X has a bug when using poll() on a named pipe (FIFO)... can an expert confirm?

macos posix named-pipes

Invoke a unix shell from java program?read and write a steady stream of data to and from a unix pipe from java program

java unix named-pipes

Two way communication using Cromis IPC

C#: Asynchronous NamedPipeServerStream understanding

c# asynchronous named-pipes

Windows Named Pipe Support in Linux [closed]

WCF local only NamedPipe

Serial numbers, created and modified in SQL Server

Python: Check if named pipe has data

python named-pipes

Inferior Shell or UIOP: Interacting with background process

C# / .NET Keep named pipe open and support any number of parallel connecting clients

c# .net named-pipes

Using named pipes asynchronously with StreamWriter

c# .net .net-3.5 named-pipes