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Two way communication using Cromis IPC

I've downloaded and had a play with the Cromis IPC components from Iztok Kacin.

I've downloaded this component set to allow my windows service and GUI to communicate. However it seems that the communication is one way(apart from server responses).

I can quite happily send a message from a client to a listening server, but I don't appear to be able to send a message back to the client unless it is as a response.

Does anyone know if two way comms are achievable with these components or am I going to need a server and a client in both the GUI and service apps?

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Paul Endersby Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 04:12

Paul Endersby

1 Answers

I am the author of the components and as others already told you there is no way to do two way communication at the moment. The reason is simple, its the way named pipes work. It would be very complicated to maintain a permanent connection between client and server and frankly IPC is not about that. But as there are times when you need to be notified that new data is available, I am thinking about rolling independent signaling mechanism. This way server could notify the client that there is something for him. Client would then access the data in the same way as it does now. Right now I am in favor of implementing this as a completely separate component that would then be easily used alongside my IPC.

Follow the blog as I will post about it there if I decide to do this.

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Runner Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 23:01
