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New posts in named-pipes

Windows Named Pipe Access control

How to set PipeSecurity of NamedPipeServerStream in .NET Core

How can I test to see if a net pipe service is listening

c# wcf named-pipes

NamedPipeServerStream.BeginWaitForConnection fails with System.IO.Exception: The pipe is being closed

Unbuffered CreateNamedPipe for use as stdout for CreateProcess

On Windows, Can I use Named Pipes As Files?

c# io ipc named-pipes

How do I ensure only my program can access a named pipe?

map port number of VM to named pipe

C# Named Pipes, how to detect a client disconnecting

c# .net named-pipes

Windows NAmed Pipes alternative in Linux

Exception thrown by BeginWaitForConnection when reusing a NamedPipeServerStream in .NET 4 after client disconnects

.net named-pipes

How to host net named pipe binding enabled wcf application in iis?

Windows 8 named pipe creation

What lifetime is required of lpSecurityAttributes in CreateNamedPipe()?

Named pipes in Java and multithreading

java named-pipes

How to wait for the other end of a named pipe to be open?

c++ c unix posix named-pipes

using SMO .net to backup and restore through DeviceType.Pipe

How to lower integrity of WCF named pipe

How to gracefully stop a server process which is listening on a pipe on Windows

Sockets vs named pipes for local IPC on Windows?

winapi sockets ipc named-pipes