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New posts in inter-process-communicat

What's the best way to notify a non-web application about a change on a web page?

How to interact with Running Python Script

WM_COPYDATA: Can the receiver modify the COPYDATASTRUCT contents?

PInvoke PostMessage not working across user accounts

Viewing messages being sent over ALPC Port?

How do I ensure only my program can access a named pipe?

Matlab and .NET 4.0 data communication

Executing an in memory jar

powershell multi-runspace event passing

Go subprocess communication

How to exchange data between two process? [duplicate]

Inter-Process communication options

How can I send a message to a specific process by process id rather than by window handle?

OS-independent Inter-program communication between Python and C

how do programs communicate - micro kernel monolithic kernel exo kernel

32bit - 64bit interprocess communication

How to persistently save PendingIntent provided by another application

Sending an Error Object from a spawned child-process over an IPC-channel

Create MPI processes on the fly with fork?

How can I invoke a method within another process instance of my WinForms app?