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New posts in self-hosting

WCF Service hosted in a Console Application

Netsh delete all urlacl reservations of a specific port

c# nancy self-hosting netsh

Dealing with concurrent requests in self hosted WCF web service

Is selfhosting appropriate for small web projects in both Nancy and ServiceStack?

WCF local only NamedPipe

SSL: NancyFx Selfhost Mono Linux (pi)

Asp.Net vNext self-hosting within existing application

self-hosting SignalR on remote Mono server

Owin Self-Host WebApi Windows Authentication and Anonymous

Get requested URL Or an action Parameter i MediaTypeFormatter.ReadFromStreamAsync

Debugging a self hosted WebApi application

Finish current requests when stopping self-hosted owin server

c# .net owin self-hosting katana

Optionally accept client certificates in a self-hosted WCF service

Developing a Self-Hosted SignalR+NancyFx

use dependency injection in Signalr 2.0 self-host?

How to get gzip compression working in WCF 4.5

c# .net wcf self-hosting