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New posts in wcf-binding

Convert wsHttpBinding to customBinding

wcf wcf-binding

set maxItemsInObjectGraph in client config

wcf wcf-binding

Invalid HTTP status code 405 in Chrome only

How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored)

WCF client talking to Java WS, exception: The content type application/xop+xml; type="application/soap+xml" of the response message

wcf soap wcf-binding mtom xop

How to configure multiple WCF binding configurations for a single scheme

Passing Python List to WCF Service

Can WebInvoke attributes be replaced by binding configurations

.net wcf wcf-binding

WCF 3.5 and UDP

c# wcf .net-3.5 wcf-binding

How to add WCF IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults to Endpoint behaviors?

c# wcf wcf-binding

Things to consider while calling one WCF service from another

WCF Client - How to process or ignore a MustUnderstand header element?

Getting a PipeException (pipe is closing) with a WCF service that uses NamedPipesBinding

WCF behind a public reverse proxy which is used for traffic encryption

Streaming with WCF and MTOM

Value cannot be null. Parameter name: uri

Configuring WCF for wsHttpBinding

Equivalent custom WCF binding for basicHttpBinding with TransportWithMessageCredential security mode

Running WCF Test Client and receiving MaxReceivedMessageSize error after increasing in app.config

How to configure Tridion core service on Tridion server?