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What is the meaning of "#" in MyType#myMethod() and the difference with "." as in MyType.myMethod()

java syntax vocabulary

RDF Vocabulary for describing Uri components

Kind of a question about the English language: Using plural in the first part of an identifier name

Is there a dictionary about common programming vocabulary?

resource that explains vocabulary used in Edward Kmett's lens package

Any free database of English-Spanish words? [closed]

What is the difference between dublin core terms and dublin core elements vocabularies

What is the Ruby equivalent of "pythonic"? [closed]

ruby idioms vocabulary

What is a vocabulary tree and how to build one?

Where to get a Database of Spanish <-> English Translations? [closed]

How do I relate items in schema.org?

What's that CS "big word" term for the same action always having the same effect

Tensorflow vocabularyprocessor

tensorflow vocabulary

Ontology vs vocabulary

What is a Shim?

What do pty and tty mean?

c unix networking tty vocabulary

What is the difference between a shim and a polyfill?