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New posts in polyfills

FileReader.js nothing happens in IE9

Template tag polyfill for IE 11 - not working with table tr and td

How to use the GitHub Fetch API polyfill

How is the global promise polyfill implemented in webpack v2?

WebP images doesn't display in safari although added polyfill

javascript jpeg polyfills webp

How do I polyfill the IntersectionObserver in Angular 4 on ios safari?

angular polyfills

IndexedDb in a Web Worker in the latest Safari?

Is there a reliable, cross-browser way to use polyfills with knockout?

CSS3 Animation polyfill

polyfill for CSS3 'calc()' under webkit?

css webkit polyfills

Make HTML5 sandbox work for IE8/9 using polyfill or shim

Are there any polyfills for display: table, table-row, table-cell etc

Importing the es6-promise polyfill into Vue.js

How to properly polyfill URLSearchParams in webpack?

Angular2 Typescript app throws 404 on components when js extension not specified

Angular2 Final Release - "Error: Angular requires Zone.js prolyfill"

Are Web Components actually useable in IE11 and Edge?