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Get image data from (blob) from the img tag (opposite method to URL.createObjectURL)

How to detect browser support File API drag n drop

HTML 5 File upload event

FileReader.js nothing happens in IE9

Read a local file using JavaScript HTML5 file api (offline website)

javascript html fileapi

How can I locally store file field selections in the context of an offline web app?

How to check if a pdf File is in US Legal or US Letter format in the browser in JavaScript

Save files into selected directory (javascript)

javascript fileapi

Drag and drop image(s) from desktop to browser instead of searching via input

javascript jquery html fileapi

File field - Append file list

html forms file-upload fileapi

Copying a file using Cordova

cordova fileapi

Uploading and saving a file programmatically to Drupal nodes

drupal drupal-7 fileapi

After uploading a file to Drupal 7 via a form, how to get the file's path?

php drupal fileapi

Limiting video record length for input type file on mobile devices

Is the FileAPI in HTML5 dead?

html fileapi