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New posts in custom-element

Is an event fired when an HTML import finishes loading?

What is the expected behavior of removing the is="" attribute from Custom Element?

document.registerElement - Why do we need to specify both 'prototype' and 'extends'?

How do you decouple Web Components?

Selecting slot text in Custom Element Shadow DOM

Access class function in Web Component from inline Element

Angular Router ignores URL, when using custom ngDoBootstrap and createCustomElement

How to select sub-classed Custom Elements with CSS

How can I add a property to my custom element and be able to fire an action on its value change

Can I get the contents of a use element that is referencing an external svg?

Shadow DOM v1 CSS polyfill

Using a non-shadow DOM custom element both inside and outside the shadow DOM

Multiple Angular Elements from different scripts

will custom elements v1 ever work on internet explorer 11?

::slotted CSS selector for nested children in shadowDOM slot

Are Web Components actually useable in IE11 and Edge?