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document.registerElement - Why do we need to specify both 'prototype' and 'extends'?

Consider I want to extend the native button element, and create my own super-button element. As I know, it must follow the following pattern:

var SuperButton = document.registerElement('super-button', {
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype),
  extends: 'button'

It looks strange to me - doesn't the prototype and extends parameters say the same thing? If I explicitly say that my super-button use the HTMLButtonElement prototype, why do I also need to specify that it extends the button element? isn't it redundant? For me it looks like exactly the same information.

like image 755
gipouf Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 15:03


1 Answers

From the Custom Elements specification:

In general, the name of the element being extended cannot be determined simply by looking at what element interface it extends, as many elements share the same interface (such as q and blockquote both sharing HTMLQuoteElement).

In other words, while it may be redundant for <button> elements, it isn't redundant in general and the spec needs to support the general case.

I would argue that it isn't even redundant for <button> though, as there is nothing preventing you from doing:

var SuperButton = document.registerElement('super-button', {
  prototype: Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype),
  extends: 'a'
like image 158
Paul Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 06:03
