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New posts in visual-studio-2017

Can't find .NET Framework 4.7 targeting pack in Visual Studio Installer on Windows Server 2016

Service Fabric SDK do not create C:\SfDevCluster\Data\ImageStoreShare

Why can't this enable_if function template be specialized in VS2017?

c++ visual-studio-2017

VS2017 - Application Insights: The account does not have permission to access the AI resource

Why can a full property in C# be overridden with only a getter but it can still be set?

Is there any .editorconfig GUI editor?

Missing "BuiltProjectOutputGroupDependencies" building VSIX depending on new simplified csproj

VS 2017 .NET Core BinaryFormatter

Manage Nuget Packages crashes VS2017

TeamCity/.sqlproj build via MSBuild -- FAILED

How to configure visual studio 2017 to use external difftool and mergetool

How to publish asp.net core web job to azure app service

How do I edit the current revision of a file from diff view between current and a revision older than the latest one?

vs 2017 COPY failed: Docker File, CreateFile The system cannot find the file specified

docker visual-studio-2017

Referenced project dependencies DLL are not being copied

How to debug a project file in MSBuild 14.0 / VS2015?

TFS 2015 build template cannot build C#7 features

Visual Studio 2017 C# Formatting: One-Line If Statements

Visual Studio 2017 Azure Function Template does not have files like - run.csx or project.json

How do I create a Nuget package with Visual Studio 2017

nuget visual-studio-2017