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New posts in nuget-package-restore

Restoring all Nuget Packages in a Visual Studio 2015 Solution

ASP.NET Core misconfigured Nuget package dependency - Unexpected package version warnings

Defaulting Package Management to PackageReference

Azure DevOps, restore NuGet packages for "Visual Studio Build" when using a website.sln file

Unable to restore nuget packages in Visual Studio for Mac & dotnet core with slow (Bolivian) internet

Visual Studio 2013 wont run as administrator

Project specific Nuget.config with .net core/code

Use solution relative packages folder with NuGet and project.json

Is nuget appropriate for daily development workflow?

Visual Studio Team Services Build Package Restore failing with project.json netstandard1.0 target

AutoMapper package 5.1.1 is not found when Nuget restore on hosted build agent in Visual Studio Team Services

new .net core visual studio 2017 project nuget restore in CI build definition

Nuget Update is not working propelry

TFS On-Prem Build Agent Using Old Version Of NuGet.exe

TeamCity not restoring NuGet packages from particular package source

VS2017 nuget keeps searching for packages in wrong location

What is the EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports target?