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New posts in visual-studio-2017

Warning on dependencies when create a new standard .NET project

The specified task executable location "...\packages\Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.3.2\build\..\tools\csc.exe" is invalid


Why does Visual Studio 2017 fail to generate REST API client for Swagger Petstore?


XML Documentation file is not included in publish folder

VS2017 C++ Standard Library Modules

VS2017 cannot discover MSTest tests

Signing VSTO Code with EV Certificate on Visual Studio 2017

Use the 64-bit Visual C++ Toolset in Visual Studio 2017

How to open database diagram in Visual Studio 2017

How to input a string with unknown size

c visual-studio-2017 scanf

A rebase operation is in process in VS 2017

Debugging with "Command Arguments" in Visual Studio not working

Missing file NuGet.targets on existing project

visual-studio-2017 nuget

Visual Studio 2017 RC Install Error "The specified account already exists."


Visual Studio 2017: _mm_load_ps often compiled to movups

How do I get Visual Studio Intellisense tooltips to show descriptions for .NET Framework 3.5?

Missing Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.UnitTesting. Again

CMake generate list of source files without glob

Visual Studio 2017 Offline Installation Still Wants Internet Connection