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First, I upgraded my ASP.NET Core project to 1.1.0. That wasn't smooth at all. Now, when it works, I can't deploy it!

I deploy it to IIS (Windows Server 2012 R2) and I get the error saying

can't validate the certificate ... ERROR_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION_FAILED!

I added this to my publishing profile:


but that doesn't work in VS2017 RC. So, how can I deploy now? Why you guys do not provide it from a start? This is an essential operation!

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alvipeo Avatar asked Dec 18 '16 02:12


1 Answers

The issue also appears when you are using wrong credentials: and\or stored password. To check this add into the pubxml file the following line:


this will switch from VSMSDeploy to MSDeploy - it got you more verbose with errors. If you store your password just remove the .pubxml.user file stored near .pubxml file and in Publish setting add the password once more.

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Ivan Yuriev Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

Ivan Yuriev