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New posts in visual-studio-2017

How to re-add a deleted VSTO Add-In

Windows Forms Application menuStrip in Visual Studio 2017 is more covenient than 2019?

Can Visual Studio "15" Preview be installed alongside 2015?


How find references for MVC controller methods in Visual Studio

Unknown compiler option 'noStrictGenericChecks'

Add Reference option missing from Solution Explorer


Cannot install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects due to invalid certificate

Visual Studio 2017 debug error: "Frame not in module"

How to avoid that Visual Studio incremental build does not run when files outside <Compile> and <EmbeddedResource> are changed?

MSBuild Tools 2017 with Azure SDK 2.9.6

Visual Studio 2017 csproj .NET Core build - views not being copied correctly

Setup exe file version when publishing with dotnet

Error The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly

How do I install an older release of Visual Studio 2017?

Windows SDK Version setting in Visual Studio 2017

c++ visual-studio-2017

Cannot find reference System

Is Visual Studio's Remove Unused References Safe?

Difference between "Find Usages" and "Find All References"

I can use EF Core 2.0 in production applications?

Unable to start debugging on the web server. Operation not supported. Unknown error 0x800040005

c# visual-studio-2017 iis-8