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New posts in visual-studio-2012

C# Unable to load DLL (Module could not be found HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

How to build Qt 4.8/5.2 statically under VS2012, using the static MSVC runtime, with Windows XP support?

qt visual-studio-2012 qt4 qt5

What exactly is warning C4718 (of Visual Studio)?

MVC4 site publish to Somee

Auto complete folder entry for a text box

sql71501 sql parameter has unresolved reference to build-in type Visual Studio 2012 DB project

error C2011: 'sockaddr' : 'struct' type redefinition. see declaration of 'sockaddr' [duplicate]

OpenCV unable to set up SVM Parameters

close vs _close, read vs _read, write vs _write - What is difference?

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Create Folder o Save in Temp

Mixed Mode Assembly with Xunit Test runner extension for Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2012: "Live Error List" - how to turn it off?

c# ide visual-studio-2012

Winforms: Not a Valid Win32 Application

c++11 thread/mutex implementation in VS2012 - assertion fired

how to generate c# documentation to a chm or html file in visual studio 2012?

Defining a function using a function typedef in C++

How to generate .trx file in vs2012?


Remote debugging Tools Cannot Install on Surface RT Running 8.1 Preview (cannot verify digital signature)

resx resource file shows warning "The resource name is not a valid identifier"