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New posts in verilog

How to make the 2-complement of a number without using adder

always block @posedge clock

verilog clock

Piggybacking to UVM error

verilog system-verilog uvm

Icarus verilog dump memory array ($dumpvars)

Mixing blocking and non-blocking assign in Verilog (or not!)


Connecting a module output to a register


How to generate delay in verilog for synthesis?


Is there a way to get the name a Verilog module was instantiated with?


Syntax for using an array of wires as input

arrays verilog

Verilog to GDSII compiler (open-source)

VIM highlight matching begin/end

Generic in verilog from a vhdl programmer

syntax vhdl verilog

$display every time $monitor works in Verilog


how to get array of values as plusargs in systemverilog?

Instantiating multiple modules in Verilog

indexing verilog

Do any open source, complete system verilog grammars exist?

verilog system-verilog

verilog always, begin and end evaluation


Parameter warning: truncated value with size 32 to match size of target


Signed multiplication overflow detection in Verilog


Usage of Clocking Blocks in Systemverilog

verilog system-verilog