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New posts in variadic-functions

Unpacking Argument List with Variadic Template

Defining my own max function with variable arguments

Why is varargs always the last parameter in a method signature?

Weird syntax - two ellipsis operators in parameter pack expansion [duplicate]

What is Python's *Args and **kwargs equivalent in PHP? [duplicate]

Primitive vararg parameters in method overloading

C varargs - va_copy issues

c variadic-functions

How to create custom integer sequence in C++

LLVM assembly: call a function using varargs

Can I modify a va_list before passing it on?

Put a va_list variable inside... a variable argument list (!)

c variadic-functions

use the TYPE from the tempate type argument list

How to use Java varargs with the GWT Javascript Native Interface? (aka, "GWT has no printf()")

use va_list from another thread

Variadic list constructor, how to default to the correct type and get type safety

Why does NetBeans warn about passing int[] to vararg?

Can I write a constructor for a Scheme (Racket) struct that takes a variable number of arguments?

How to invoke a MethodHandle with varargs

How is `{⊂⍵}` different from just `⊂`?