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New posts in variadic-functions

How do I call a function with a variable number of parameters?

Is there a Variadic Version of either (R.either)?

Is it possible to explode an array so that its elements can be passed to a method with the params keyword?

C puzzle...How Can I pass variadic arguments into a macro?

How can I pass the contents of a list to a varargs method?

java variadic-functions

Implementation of variadic map function in Scheme

Ambiguous varargs methods

Why overload the varargs method of() in Java Stream interface?

Ellipsis operator Java equivalence in Kotlin

Flattening a Map to varargs String list in Scala

Android and Kotlin varargs: formatted strings returns garbage

A variadic function that accepts Strings and Ints, Format the latter and concatenate all?

How are variable length argument lists implemented?

How to determine the end of va_arg list?

c variadic-functions

In Lua, how to pass vararg to another function while also taking a peek at them?

lua variadic-functions

va_list and va_arg

c variadic-functions

or as procedure in scheme

Variable number of arguments in C programmng

Empty Java generics

How does java.util.Arrays.asList(T...) work?