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New posts in uac

How to configure Visual Studio not to give UAC prompt on each run?

NSIS: Installing an Application to always Run as Administrator

installation uac nsis

VS2010 Setup Project - Run As Administrator

Developing Apps with Administrator Rights in Delphi

How do I elevate my UAC permissions from Java?

java windows uac

UAC elevation does not allow drag and drop [duplicate]

c# drag-and-drop uac

Storage location of yellow-blue shield icon

windows icons uac

Giving application elevated UAC

c# asp.net winforms uac

What are the UAC implementation best practices? (.NET)

.net windows-7 uac

How to prevent uninstaller elevating for Standard Windows 10 user?

Is it possible to UAC elevate a process without starting another process

c++ windows-vista uac

WIX Burn Bootstrapper not asking for admin rights for my MSI

Process.Start never returns when UAC denied

c# winforms uac process.start

How to change icon in UAC prompt of signed installer (WiX)?

How to prevent Vista from requiring elevation on patch.exe?

windows-vista uac patch

How do I create a manifest file to launch application with admin privileges?

windows vb6 uac manifest

Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on

c# .net windows-vista uac

UAC and Java

java windows-vista uac

How do I get around application scope settings being read-only?

c# wpf settings uac