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New posts in text-parsing

pattern.compile help java program [closed]

java text-parsing matcher

load std::map from text file

c++ map text-parsing

Matching optional parameters with non-capturing groups in Bash regular expression

regex string bash text-parsing

Perl: How do I extract certain bits from a byte and then covert these bits to a hex value?

Split & Trim in a single step

Java String parsing - {k1=v1,k2=v2,...}

java text-parsing

How to parse text into sentences

java text-parsing

How to do Erlang pattern matching using regular expressions?

Search Engine Keywords Parser

How to extract chunks from BIO chunked sentences? - python

converting bibtex files to html with python (maybe pybtex?)

Extract floating point numbers from a string in PHP

Iterating over a text file using Fortran like format in C++

How can I wrap the previous, current, and next word inside a tag using jQuery?

Why is there no std::from_string()?

Parsing ASCII file efficiently in Haskell

Chunking with rule-based grammar in spacy

nlp nltk text-parsing spacy

Making links clickable in Javascript?

Which Perl modules for good for data munging?

Should I use cut or awk to extract fields and field substrings?

sed awk field cut text-parsing