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New posts in text-parsing

Text parsing, conditional text

parsing text file in objective C

Print a number of previous lines after matching string found in line in python

Error detection and reporting using Maybe

Fast way to parse vector of "continent / country / city" in R

r text-parsing strsplit

Find important text in arbitrary HTML using PHP?

php regex dom text-parsing

Find words that are 6 characters in length

bash parsing text-parsing

Parsing out multiple lines with LPeg in Lua

how to read text files and create a data frame in R

r text-parsing

Python parsing

In Perl, how can I correctly parse tab/space delimited files with quoted strings?

Is there a way to convert tables of text into a PowerShell Object

How does Google+ parse URLs from posts?

regex parsing url text-parsing

Extracing specific tags from arbitrary plain text

PyParsing Optional() hanging

fault-tolerant python based parser for WikiLeaks cables

Something like istream::getline() but with alternative delim characters?

what does this mean 'Parsing a text file or data stream' and does it apply with serializables

Help with parsing a log file (ANTLR3)

C# Dependency Injection