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New posts in text-parsing

Splitting large text file by a delimiter in Python

python text-parsing

Convert "1d2h3m" to ["day" => 1, ”hour” => 2,"minutes"=>3]

How can I parse a string to a function in Haskell?

haskell text-parsing

Howto clean comments from raw sql file

How do I tokenize this string in Ruby?

Strategy for parsing natural language descriptions into structured data

java nlp dsl text-parsing

NLTK Chunking and walking the results tree

Javascript, Text Annotations and Ideas

How to transpose the contents of lines and columns in a file in Vim?

Python: Read configuration file with multiple lines per key

How do I keep a Scanner from throwing exceptions when the wrong type is entered?

Saving nltk drawn parse tree to image file

How to find the shortest dependency path between two words in Python?

python nltk text-parsing

Powershell command to trim path if it ends with "\"

What does NN VBD IN DT NNS RB means in NLTK?

Can awk deal with CSV file that contains comma inside a quoted field?

Best way to get all digits from a string [duplicate]

c# regex text-parsing

Python parsing bracketed blocks

PHP - parsing a txt file

php text-parsing

How to get the first column of every line from a CSV file?

bash shell csv awk text-parsing