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New posts in quoting

With pyparsing, how do you parse a quoted string that ends with a backslash

python regex pyparsing quoting

warning: format string contains '\0' within the string body [-Wformat]

c string system quoting

CakePHP 3 + ORM Query builder and column name escape

Pandas exporting to_csv() with quotation marks around column names

How can I properly escape this regex in bash?

regex bash grep escaping quoting

See exact content of bash variable? (hexdump doesn't help)

bash hex quoting

Perl: hash does not allow alphanumeric keys in this special case

perl hash quoting

Powershell in a batch file - How do you escape metacharacters?

rsync + ssh in python subprocess gets error with spaces in directory name

python ssh rsync quoting

Quote only the required columns using pandas to_csv

R data.table: reuse an aggregation

Using Make $(dir) or $(notdir) on a path with spaces

makefile path quoting

Run piped commands with eval

bash escaping pipe eval quoting

\' (backslash, single quote) in a Ruby string

ruby string backslash quoting

Creating an Array in Bash with Quoted Entries from Command Output

arrays bash stdout quoting

Do I need to quote command substitutions?

bash shell quoting

Why can't you unquote-splice in normal (unquoted) code?

macros clojure quoting

'revealing' hidden/control 'codes' in strings in bash

string bash shell quoting ansi-c

Bash complains about syntax errors in here-document when using backticks

bash cat quoting backticks

bash variable expansion ${var:+"..."} in here-document removing double quotes?

bash heredoc expansion quoting