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Pandas exporting to_csv() with quotation marks around column names

For some reason I need to output to a csv in this format with quotations around each columns names, my desired output looks like:

"date" "ret"
2018-09-24 0.00013123989025119056

I am trying with

import csv
import pandas as pd

Y_pred.index.name = "\"date\""
Y_pred.name = "\'ret\'"
Y_pred = Y_pred.to_frame()
path = "prediction/Q1/"

Y_pred.to_csv(path+instrument_tmp+"_ret.txt",sep=' ')   

and got outputs like:

"""date""" 'ret'
2018-09-24 0.00013123989025119056

I can't seem to find a way to use quotation to wrap at the columns. Does anyone know how to? Thanks.

My solution: using quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE together with Y_pred.index.name = "\"date\"", Y_pred.name = "\"ret\""

Y_pred.index.name = "\"date\""
Y_pred.name = "\"ret\""
Y_pred = Y_pred.to_frame()
path = "prediction/Q1/"

Y_pred.to_csv(path+instrument_tmp+"_ret.txt",sep=' ',quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)   

and then I get

"date" "ret"
2018-09-24 0.00013123989025119056
like image 596
user40780 Avatar asked Jan 02 '23 14:01


1 Answers

This is called quoted output. Instead of manually hacking in quotes into your column names (which will mess with other dataframe functionality), use the quoting option:

df = pd.DataFrame({"date": ["2018-09-24"], "ret": [0.00013123989025119056]})

df.to_csv("out_q_esc.txt", sep=' ', escapechar='\\', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, index=None)
"date" "ret"
"2018-09-24" "0.00013123989025119056"

The 'correct' way is to use quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL (and optionally escapechar='\\'), but note however that QUOTE_ALL will force all columns to be quoted, even obviously numeric ones like the index; if we hadn't specified index=None, we would get:

"" "date" "ret"
"0" "2018-09-24" "0.00013123989025119056"
  • csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL refuses to quote these fields because they don't strictly need quotes (they're neither multiline nor do they contain internal quote or separator chars)
like image 70
smci Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 22:01
