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New posts in ansi-c

Type checking arbitrary length array in ANSI C

c arrays string ansi-c

-Wsequence-point warning - what does it mean and does it violate ANSI C standard?

Simple Delete File Program in ANSI C for Windows

Are all functions in C global?

c ansi-c global-functions

What is this code block doing ? (u > 0) - (u < 0)

c ansi-c

ANSI C #define VS functions

Finding max value of char in C

c char max limit ansi-c

C89 and variable initialization

c c89 ansi-c

Rationale for pre-C99 C not having initial declarations in for loops?

c c89 ansi-c

'revealing' hidden/control 'codes' in strings in bash

string bash shell quoting ansi-c

C++ standards, am a little confused?

c++ c standards ansi-c

Nested typedef structs

c ansi-c

Are there any well-established/standardized ways to use fixed-width integers in C89?

c bit-manipulation c89 ansi-c

Does "ANSI C" or "ANSI C++" still mean something today?

atof() for float instead of double

c ansi-c atof

string array conversion

c ansi-c

What is the behavior of C89 with respect to integer division of two negative numbers: round up, round down or not defined?

string array initialisation

c string pointers ansi-c

How is the size of a variable length array computed at runtime in C99?

Should I use "-ansi" or explicit "-std=..." as compiler flags?

c c89 compiler-flags ansi-c