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UITableView reload data in Swift

Using Unmanaged<AnyObject>! as key in NSMutableDictionary

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What's the equivalent of NSArray's writeToFile: atomically: in Swift and Array?

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Swift Exceptions to Exception handling

How to beat NSMutableArray performance with Swift (beta) Array?

Swift: Repeat action after a random period of time

.xcconfig? How to set environment variables

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Document-Based App with Swift

Xcode 6 does not localize Interface Builder

SKSpriteNode subclassing swift

Using shouldPerformSegueWithIdentifier( ) method in Swift

Nested Swift Dictionaries


.enumerateGroupsWithTypes block stop parameter Swift (Xcode 6 beta 5)

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Does Swift Automatically Clone Arguments?

Override multiple overloaded init() methods in Swift


Extra argument in call when try to call convenience init, Swift


Why doesn't forward geocoding with CLGeocoder.geocodeAddressString work in the playground?

cannot decode object of class (AMPathPopUpButton)'

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Object != nil works in Beta 5 but not in Beta 6?


Download a file with NSURLSession in Swift